Turkey and Pork RecipesTurkey and pork are both great alternatives to chicken. both can be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner!Readers’ Favorites: Country Fried Pork with White Gravy – Skillet Mac n Cheese with Kielbasa Air Fryer Hot Dogs and Bratwurst Air Fryer Sausage Croissants Country Fried Pork with White Gravy Creamy Italian Sausage Spaghetti Crock Pot Breaded Pork Chops Crock Pot Hoisen Pork Ham and Cheddar Sliders with Homemade Honey Mustard Sauce Ham and Eggs Cups Honey Sesame Pork Instant Pot Pork Tenderloin and Potatoes Jamie Oliver Delicious Roast Turkey Legs One Dish No Boil Penne and Meatballs Pioneer Woman Pork Chops And Sauerkaut Pork Tenderloin Sheet Pan Dinner Sausage and Cheese Breakfast Bake Skillet Mac n Cheese with Turkey Kielbasa Turkey Kielbasa and Cheesy Pasta Turkey London Broil Recipe